This child of mine is full of quirks! His latest is he insists on putting his sippy cup inside of one of our cups before he'll drink out of it. He mainly does it if Joseph or I are drinking something. Too much:)
And here's the much-anticipated picture from our company last week...we had a great time, but poor Abby spiked a high fever Thursday night and they had to leave at the crack of dawn Friday morning. Ford took his cue from Abby and saw the attention she was getting from being sick and decided to get Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. Lovely, huh? The doctor said he has sores all over the back of his throat, and his mama says he sure is acting like it! We're still not fever free, but he seems to feel a lot better. So far Knox seems to be fine - it's been a week since they were here, so hopefully he didn't catch anything!
So much fun! I love see the mama's and their babies!!!! Hope everyone is feeling better soon!
that little ford-man cracks me up! he's such a big kid drinking out of a big cup! i wish he and sawyer could go to the park today to play! they look like they have LOTS in common!
you're right about the picture too! MUCH ANTICIPATED!! thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing! Ford is too cute. Cooper is doing that to with his sippe cup. I think that they want to act like grown ups. :)
He is so stinkin CUTE... even when he is sick! I hope he is feeling better and that you had fun Thursday night! You deserved it! Did you get the virgin rita?
Yay! I love that have to email it to me. I had such a great time...I am pretty sure Knox did too. Ford, thanks for letting Knox and I stay in your room.
Ford is too cute. He just wants to be a big boy like his Dad. I hope the Hand, Foot, Mouth disease is getting better! That does not sound fun! Teething is bad enough. I can't imagine trying to get him to sleep with sores in his throat! I hope you and Luke stay well too. That doesn't sound good for a pregnant momma :)
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