Friday, September 14, 2007



Shealy said...

Oh my gosh! That picture is too much! I love it!

Shealy said...

From Clayton - Future lead singer of the Velcro Pygmies...

Anonymous said...

I think he gets that one from his daddy! Do I see a small fist pump coming in the future?

Darby said...

Ok, Paige used to do that and I just about ate her alive when she'd do it. Thanks for sharing... if he was closer I might eat him alive too! :)

em and her boys said...

There is something about that precious picture that reminds me of either Parker or Maryn and the faces they make! I love to see family resemblence in cousins!Most of the time, I think he looks just like you, Sarah.

He's awesome! Great blog!! Keep it up!!